
P. Chappel Associates, Inc.

Technical Search & Placement

We have specialized in technical search and placement for over 20 years. We strive to be a trusted partner and to provide exceptional results to both hiring company and job seeker alike.

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Looking to find a great candidate for your open position? We have a proven history of building trusting relationships and providing exceptional results to hiring managers and other stakeholders. We communicate and collaborate with clients and partners to devise, create and carry out strategic recruitment plans. Our goal is to deliver well-qualified talent at all levels within specified deadlines. Fill out the form below or read more. Fill out the form below or read more.

Who We Are

We are experts in search, recruiting and placement of technical talent in major markets across the US and worldwide.

Phil Chappel is the founder, senior recruiter and president. For over 30 years, he has  been a trusted partner in search, recruitment, and placement. Our team has a track record of providing exceptional results and bringing integrity and a personal touch to all searches. Long-term relationships with many organizations have led us to become a partner and an extension of their companies. We have successfully worked with all size and stage companies from start-up to Fortune 500.

Services offered: contingency search, retainer search, engagement (container) search, contract staffing and consulting. Our firm and our partners are also available to provide recruiting, staffing or project work on an hourly basis.

P. Chappel Associates is a member-owner of NPAworldwide, the worldwide recruiting network. This allows us to successfully utilize our vast local expertise while having a presence and resources across the globe. Phil is currently NPA’s technology practice leader for North America.
